فارسی عربي


Nahal festival names int’l contenders

The Nahal Student Short Film Festival has revealed the list of international contenders for its 15th edition.

The selection committee of the international section has chosen 22 titles from more than 200 works submitted to the secretariat from around the globe.

‘Aby Adnan’ by Sylvia Le Fanu from Denmark, ‘Black Mountains’ by Joachim Neef from the UK, ‘Cavello’ by Sven Bresser from the Netherlands, ‘The Transfer’ by Michael Grudsky from Germany, ‘Faith’ by Tatiana Fedorovskaya from Russia, as well as ‘In Tact’ by Johannes Bachmann and ‘Solo’ by Yves De Prà both from Switzerland are among the international lineup.

‘Walls’ by Maik Schuster, Fatmir Dolci, and Max Paschke from Palestine, Germany, and Croatia, ‘Wonderland’ by Tiffanie Hsu from the US, ‘The Sliding Man’ by Jacques Lemaire and ‘Fifo’ by Sacha Ferbus both from Belgium, ‘Clan’ by Stefanie Kolk from the Netherlands, ‘Pacgirl’ by Jaime Peña García from Mexico, as well as ‘Mundos’ by Max Lusson from Spain are also among the contenders.

The International list goes on with ‘Cosmorama by Hugo Deverchère from France, ‘Kraniebrud’ by Mads Hedegaard from Denmark, ‘Apartment Interbelic’ by Sebastian Mihailescu and ‘Skateboarding Is Not a Crime’ by Cristin Radu both from Romania, as well as ‘Földiek’ by Ádám Freund, ‘Invisibly’ by Áron Szentpéteri, ‘Collapsed Lung’ by Ambrus Fatér, and ‘Assaut’ by Tamás Fekete all from Hungary.

The event will be organized by students of theater and cinema faculty, University of Tehran in collaboration with cultural deputy of the university in 2 sections of Short Film as well as Scene Photography and Poster with the latter encompassing categories of Documentary, Fiction, Experimental Cinema, Animation and First Film Directors.

This marks the third time the event will be held at International level with entries received from various countries.

The festival aims to set the stage for showcasing college students’ capabilities and draw a connection between college students and cinema as well as providing a healthy competitive environment for creators of film works.

